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Ready for the 2023 Season

We are excited to prepare for the incoming 2023 season after an educational summer! Our team mentors worked us through CAD lessons, helping newcomers get the hang of high school robotics. In addition, we would like to thank Team 8 Paly Robotics and Team 8177 Vector for giving us a helping hand and directing our approach to gain sponsors.

This past year was a tumultuous one for us. Without a room, we were sad to announce that Impact Team 2585 would not compete this year. However, we were able to partner up with Team 2587 Discobots in order to continue gaining experience. While working together we were able to gain many new experiences such as winning the Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors twice and making the semifinals at state. We are forever indebted to them for allowing us the opportunity to participate in robotics.

Thank you Disco!

Moving forward we aim to have a spectacular year filled with fun and wins. We hope y'all are ready for Impact 2585!

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